Collins Cobuild. Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary+CD
Корици: меки
Състояние: добро
Страници: 1768

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(Офис Еконт: 6 лв. До Адрес: 7 лв. Обработка: 2-3 работни дни)
Collins Cobuild. Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary
A well-advanced and necessary guide, Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's Dictionary is a must have for students and adults alike in order to enrich and update one's vocabulary. Summary Of The Book Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary, in its 5th edition, provides a more enriching list of words which are easy to locate and understand. This dictionary also has a list of up-to-date words in English and all of which are organized in an easy and comprehensible format. The layout of this work has also been updated to a two color format. This work contains a detailed list of the necessary English words that has been used over the years as well as in recent times. There have been additions made such as phrases and words which were not included in the previous editions. In addition to that, all the meanings for the words have been stated in simple and understandable language. This enables a number of readers to understand some of the most complex words. The dictionary also refers to the Bank of English wherein various examples have been stated to make it easier to comprehend the meanings of the words. These examples are also part of the Collins Word Web which provides phrases and words and hence, makes the reader understand the context of each word. Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary, also, deals with grammar and provides detailed information about aspects like synonyms, antonyms, syntax and more. These have a specific column in the dictionary for the user's benefit. This provides example sentences for every word and its. Moreover, all definitions provided are done in full sentences and not in brief phrases. There is also a phonetic transcription as per the International Phonetic Alphabet. This is the highly popular phonetic letters in the word.
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