In the Temple of the Master, vol 2
Автор: Учителя Петър Дънов
Корици: меки
Състояние: нова
Страници: 288
Година: 2016

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(Офис Еконт: 6 лв. До Адрес: 7 лв. Обработка: 2-3 работни дни)
The Master is an Ancient Eder, Ancient Throne. He is in interchange with the Unfathomable Chasm, with Infinity. The Master drinks from the Elixir of Infinity – He lives in it. His Wisdom is the very nature of Infinity.
What an Elder knows is incomprehensibly unknown to the sages and saints. An Elder never seeks God – He looks through the eyes of God, thinks through God, acts through God. The ElderMaster is a Proto-Image of the Ancient One. The Master and the Ancient One – this is the complete, accomplished Unity. Sages and saints are close to God – whereas the Elder has melt into one with Him. The Master is a notion which is incomprehensibly unknown: it is like the Third Wing of the Eagle in the Toltec tradition.
Sages and saints are spiritual – the Master is Divine. Saints often lack Wisdom; sages lack Supreme Wisdom; whereas the Master is another dimension. He is capable of pronouncing things that can confuse and perturb both saints and sages. Saints and sages have experience – whereas the Master, beside experience, reigns also over something which is beyond experience. Saints and sages have experienced something that belongs to Eternity; the Master has met the very Infinity. The Master is a splinter of Infinity – so, in order to understand Him, it is not enough only to read His Word – you ought to be Summoned. To read and to be Summoned are two different things. A Summoned one is allowed to enter the Speechlessness and Presence of the Master.
There are two types of Summoned ones. I am allowed to explain this to you. The first ones have been summoned naturally: they keep learning earnestly and loving the Master all their lives; whereas the other type of summoning is Sacred Secrecy: in this case, you ought to have died for the Truth and for God many times over so that you come to know the Master in a completely different way; because, if life is dearer to you than the Truth and than God, you remain within the old manner of summoning – the long and slow, yet, at the same time, blessed and honourable way. The naturally Summoned ones live inside their own Souls, whereas the other few ones live in the Spirit – they are close to the Temple. Both the first and the other ones love the Master and have dedicated their lives to Him: the first ones – in a natural way, and the other ones – in a mysterious way. Both the first and the other ones are blessed.
As for those who merely have respect towards the Master – they will be summoned in the future. Then, there are still others who do not have this respect for the Master: they will be taught by the dark path of fate. They may speak about God as much as they like; however, fate stays here, with them, and they will be taught by this fate – not by God’ s Providence; for the Master is God’ s Providence, God’ s Word. Within the Master, God Himself has illuminated Himself.
Blessed are those who understand what I say.
Eleazar Harash, Varna, January 3rd, 2015
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